Monday, June 28, 2010


 some sketches before start to do with software.

The progress of editing. 
I'm using photoshop to edit.
chose 2 pictures and crop the pictures size.
add some graphic for decoration. 
I'm using Illustrator to draw the flora graphic and then just grab it into photoshop.

add some text.

This is the final.

and this is another one but I personal prefer the previous one.


Here are some pictures I took at FRIM during our DM class trip to FRIM at Kepong. 
The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) is a statutory agency of the Government of Malaysia, under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. FRIM promotes sustainable management and optimal use of forest resources in Malaysia by generating knowledge and technology through research, development and application in tropical forestry. FRIM is located in Kepong, near Kuala Lumpur.