Thursday, August 19, 2010


Camera logo
it will appear while the page is loading  to mainpage. 

my button design,is a  photo with some description. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sketches- layout design&Icons

some sketches for the application screen design.

some roughly sketches for screen design by using photoshop
screen design 1

screen design 2

I'm going to use photo as the button in the application, since I'm doing photoblog.
the button on left side- a photo with a sticky note with description.
the button on right side- a photo with description in the white border.



Application's flow & Navigation--new


To design and develop an Interactive Information Design Application

Orang Asli settlement.

Size of application:
1024 x 768 pixels or full screen format.

Adobe Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator

Design Issues:
To create and design an Interactive application about Orang Asli Settlement.

Design Theme:
Flora and natural feel

Target audience:
Teenager, age from 15 - 22.

Detail description:
-This is an interactive application all about the 'Orang Asli Settlement', will be using Adobe Flash to create this application. 
-I'm going to create a 'photo journey'. It is like a photo blog.
-In my application I'm going to use photos to and words to tell people my experience at Belum.
-1st enter to my photoblog, there will be a camera loading page, the audience have to click on the camera icon then only can enter to the Homepage.
-the button for each section is a 'photo icon'.
-click on each 'photo icon' will going into another page.
-It will be have 4 sections in this application. Which is 'Credit, Gallery, about, and mainpage'.

-About- About the Orang asli
Information about the Orang Asli, their lifestyle and my own thinking and opinion.

-Gallery- Photo journey
-All the picture with description and the story behind.
-a video

-Credit- The girl
-The owner in this application, the authorizer.

-Main page- Homepage
-Welcome page for this application, and some introduction about this photo blog. 

-About the music, I will put some soft instrumental music or soft natural music as the background music in this application because I think that the music can make this application more interesting.


There are 18 tribes of orang asli in Peninsular Malaysia, and those at Belum consist of two main groups, the Senoi and the Negrito. The Jahai is the main sub-ethnic group among the Negrito, whilst the Temiar forms the main group for the Senoi.
Semi-nomadic Jahai
The Jahai are generally shorter, with darker skin and more curly hair than the Temiars. And the Jahai lead a semi nomadic life whereas the Temiar prefer a sedentary life. Some are employed as guides and porters. Today they enjoy medical and educational facilities and have police protection. They are less mobile than in the past due to the gradual change from shifting cultivation to semi-sedentary agricultural cultivation.
Both live at the edge of the Temengor lake. Their staple food is tapioca which they cultivate around their villages, and they collect fruits from the forest and hunt small mammals and fish. They harvest rattan and bamboo which has a multitude of uses.
Sedentary Temiars
H.D.Noone, who was the first anthropologist to study the Temiars, called them the 'happy people'. They are very shy and gentle, living in an extended family social structure. They used to live in longhouses but today most have individual houses made of split bamboo.
They work on plantations or ladang where they grow tapioca, and maybe maize and even hill rice. They used to grow their own fruit and vegetables, tobacco and medicinal herbs, but now buy these products. There is one headman in each village or community; this is a heredity post. They are traditionally animists.
Dreams play an important role in the daily lives of these indigenous people. To them a dream is a mystical experience in which the person's soul wanders about the forests in search of guidance. Even their dances and songs are dream inspired. There are no hard and fast rules in Temiar society. As long as man does not harm or endanger others, he may do as he pleases.
Learning more about the Orang Asli
If you are in Kuala Lumpur, it may be worth your while to spend sometime in the Orang Asli Museum in Gombak (on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, somewhat near Batu Caves).
From KL centre, you can hop onto a bus at Lebuh Ampang around the corner from Masjid Jamek LRT (Putra and Star) stations. This bus will take you a 30 minutes drive out of KL towards Genting Highlands along Jalan Gombak. Just ask your driver to tell you when you are at the Orang Asli Museum.
The Orang Asli museum is set on top of a small hill off the main road. The walk is not at all long (about 50 metres) or difficult, but there are a couple of shops at the bus stop so you can have some refreshment before or after visiting the museum. This museum has been opened for a couple of years and gives a fantastic insight into the diversity of Orang Asli tribes and their cultural identities. Exhibits include examples of their house designs, their tools for working, clothes, jewelry, masks and ornaments. No entrance fee is charged, but there is a donation box to help run the center and fund small developmental projects.

Perak belum trip

Before sem break our class trip to Perak, Belum ( what a funny name)
Have a good experience and nice trip with my classmates and lecturers. We get more closer than before.
Here are some pictures I took at Belum and I would like to share with you guys. 

Heading to Pulau Tali Kail
Pulau Tali Kail
I like this picture the most, a view from the middle level of the mountain.
we all gave up to continue climb the mountain

Day 2
Melawat perkampungan Orang asli- Jahai
they like tobacco.
the kids

I found this, a kid's slipper, but most of them didn't wear any shoe and just walk with bare foot. 

A young mother and his daughter.

That's all, hope you guys enjoy it.
For more photo please refer to my facebook.